Monday, January 26, 2009

Lewis Hine pictures

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Let's see what you can come up with...

This blog entry will be exclusively dealing with the photographer Lewis Hine. Hine tried to capture working conditions and also living conditions from the Gilded Age. He often had to outmanuever factory bosses into being let into the awful workplace to document what was going on. Many times he risked his own wellbeing to bring the truth to light about this time period in our history.

Your job is to log on to the following website and select three images to respond to.

Make sure you choose three different locations/types of work to respond to!

Answer each of these questions for each picture (a total of nine things).

1. After studying the details (location, working conditions, health of the subject (s), background, clothes of the subject(s), etc.) of the picture, what do you think some of the hazards would be for that type of job?

2. What insights can be made into the Gilded Age after viewing this image?

3. What questions does the image raise?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Here it is...

Here is a copy of the full text speech by President Obama.

Hope this helps.

Inauguration response

1/20/09 Inauguration Response

Directions: After going to the library to watch part of the Inauguration coverage, select an issue that was discussed. After you have selected an issue, write a 1 page typed reaction discussing the issue and your thoughts about what President Obama wants to do. For further information on the issues discussed during the ceremony and more, consult the following websites:
